
Andrea Perali is an Associate Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Camerino (Italy), in the School of Pharmacy, Physics unit. 

In 2017 he got the national habilitation to Full Professor. He has been the delegate of the Rector for e-learning (2004-2023). He is the vice-director of the School of Advanced Studies of the University of Camerino. He has got the laurea (1995) and the Ph.D. (2000) in Physics at the University of Roma “Sapienza” working in the group of Prof.s C. Castellani, C. Di Castro and M. Grilli. He has been a post doc fellow for one year (2001) at the Rutgers University (USA) working with Prof. G. Kotliar on numerical methods for high-Tc superconductivity. He has been post doc fellow of INFM, Unit of University of Camerino, for two years (2000; 2002), supervisors Prof.s C. Castellani and G. C. Strinati. Since October 2002 he is enrolled as a faculty member in the University of Camerino. 

He has won 3 prizes “Enrico Persico” from the “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” for the best physics students in the Rome universities and the prize of Italian Physics Society for young researchers. He has won the prize of “Fondazione Angelo della Riccia” to partially support the post doc in USA. In 2015 he has been nominated “Outstanding Referee” from APS and he has won the “Fibonacci” prize by RICMASS for pioneering studies on superconducting stripes. 

He has been Editorial Board member of Scientific Reports (2016-2022) – NPG, Guest Editor of Superconducting Science and Technology, and Section Editor in Chief for Superconductivity of Condensed Matter, MDPI. 

He is the author of 118 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals. He has been the initiator of the MultiSuper conference series (since 2012) and of the SuperFluctuations conferences (since 2017). Supervision of 7 funded research projects at national or international level. (Co-)Supervision of 12 Ph.D. students in Physics. 1 co-supervised Post Doc. 

Research interests include theory of superconductivity and superfluidity: BCS-BEC crossover, pseudogap and fluctuating phenomena in ultracold fermions and multiband superconductors and superfluids. He works on Superstripes and nanostructured superconductors to find amplifications mechanisms of superconductivity and related novel quantum phenomena. 

In 2020 he was included in the international collaboration to design the Lunar Gravitational Waves Antenna (LGWA), coordinated by Prof. Jan Harms of the Gran Sasso Institute (Italy), with responsability to select suitable superconducting materials operating around a temperature of 40 K, which is the temperature estimated for the area of the craters of the Moon in the permanent shadow, to be deploited in superconducting devices and quantum sensors for the different systems of the LGWA, without necessity of cryogenic cooling or with simplified cooling systems. He is co-author of 5 publications on the LGWA project (

Full list of publications can be found in Google Scholar:

Funded Projects:

1. Principal Investigator of the Ateneo Project on “Control and Enhancement of Superconductivity by Engineering Materials at the Nanoscale” (2014-2016) leading to the opening of the SuperNano laboratory of the University of Camerino, in collaboration with the Nanofabrication laboratory, INRIM, Turin.

2. Host researcher and supervisor of the research activities for the Science Without Border program of Brazil (2016), to host two visiting professors from Brazil in the Nanoscale Superconductvity group in the University of Camerino: Prof. Mauro Doria and Prof. Marco Cariglia. 

3. Principal investigator for the unit of the University of Camerino of the BGREEN project of MISE (2019-2022) lead by the Benetton group, for the authomatic recognition of used tessiles by infrared spectroscopy and machine learning techniques to classify structures using digital images. 

4. Principal scientific investigator of the project with the italian company MadeLab (2019) for the data analysis of big data sets from e-commerce. 

5. Coordinator for Camerino of the joint doctorate between Universities of Camerino and Antwerp (Belgium) since 2014. Funds received from Antwerp.

6. Local investigator of the FISR project of MIUR on the realization of a spectroscopy and machine learning based sensor device for the SARS-CoV-2 virus (2020).

7. Local investigator of the Prin-PNRR 2022 project of MIUR on the realization of a spectroscopy and machine learning based sensor device for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, other pathohgenes and VOCs. 

8. Attraction of other funds: Among the years, several sponsorships (e.g., from private companies as Leiden Cryogenics and MDPI editorial press) and institutional funds (e.g., from ICTP and CECAM) have been attracted for the organization of international conferences, workshops, and schools.