Research Infrastructure

Experimental facilities:

The CQM group has available an experimental set up for electronic transport measurements, made by a He closed cycle cryostat, operating from RT down to 2.8 K. The sample temperature is monitored by a Lakeshore mod. 332 controller and two Si diode thermometers, one of which calibrated with a maximum error of about 6 mK. Both dc and ac measurements can be executed. For dc measurements, a double channel source-meter Keysight mod. B2912A is used, operating either as a current source or as voltage bias generator, with a minimum source resolution of 10 fA and 100 nV, respectively. Continuous, pulsed or mixed mode output can be selected. In ac mode, the set up allows measuring nV by using a lock-in amplifier EG&G mod. 5209 and a Wavetek mod. 80 function generator. A Hewlett Packard LCR bridge mod. 4284A is used for impedance spectroscopy measurements. Another cryogen free cryostat, from Leiden Cryogenics, operating down to about 5 mK but lacking a magnetic field, is available at the Physics division. This apparatus is used for those experiments requiring ultra-low temperatures.

The CQM group, through the Physics Division of the School of Science and Technology, has access to a SEM microscope (Zeiss Sigma-300 equipped with a Bruker Quantax EDX detector) and a Raman apparatus working from LN2 to RT and an XRD facility.


Computational facilities:

High-performance computing 


Local Devices 

CPU: 2x AMD EPYC 9224 24-Core+48-Threads Processor 


HPC Server with multicore CPU 

CPU: 2 x Xeon 18-Core 3,0Ghz Intel® Xeon® Gold 18Cores-36Threads 

RAM Memory: 12 x DDR4: 192 GBRAM 

CPU: AMD Epyc 16-Core 2,80Ghz 

GPU: NVIDIA RTX A6000 (GPU memory 48GB) 

BullSequana XH2000, Xeon Platinum 8358 32C 2.6GHz, NVIDIA A100 SXM4 64 GB, Quad-rail NVIDIA HDR100 Infiniband 

Cores Rmax (PFlop/s) Rpeak (PFlop/s) Power (kW) 

1,824,768 241.20 306.31 7,494 

HPE Cray EX235a, AMD Optimized 3rd Generation EPYC 64C 2GHz, 

Cores Rmax (PFlop/s) Rpeak (PFlop/s) Power (kW) 

2,752,704 379.70 531.51 7,107