Nicola Pinto


I have been growing up an experimental education and approach in studying semiconducting systems, both amorphous and crystalline, and their physical characterization. My expertise covers both the deposition/growth of materials (e.g., by sputtering, MBE, etc.) and the electrical characterization of thin films, devices (sensors, photovoltaic cells, etc.) and nanowires based on Ge and Si. A part of my research has been devoted to the MBE growth and characterization of films of diluted magnetic semiconductors based on alloys of Mn and Ge. 

In the last years, my scientific interest has been devoting to superconductors, investigating mainly the electrical properties of thin films and nanostructures aimed to explore phenomena, as phase slips and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions, as well as novel quantum phenomena.

I am member and cofounder of the SuperNanoLab and I collaborate actively with the other members of the research group on superconductivity topics as well as on the Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna (LGWA) project for the development of superconducting coils, fabricated starting from Nb and NbN films, to be used as sensors and actuators in the operation of the LGWA detector.