
Selected publications 

- N. Pinto, L. Morresi, M. Ficcadenti, R. Murri, F. D’Orazio, F. Lucari, L. Boarino, G. Amato, Magnetic and electronic transport percolation in epitaxial GeMn films, Phys. Rev. B 72 165203-165210 (2005).

- J.-P. Ayoub, L. Favre, A. Ronda, I. Berbezier, L. Morresi, N. Pinto, Morphological and structural evolution of diluted Ge1-xMnx epitaxial films, App. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 141920-141922.

- M. Abbas, F. D’Amico, L. Morresi, N. Pinto, M. Ficcadenti, R. Natali, L. Ottaviano, M. Passacantando, M. Cuccioloni, M. Angeletti and R. Gunnella, Structural, electrical, electronic and optical properties of melanin films, Eur. Phys. J. E 28, 285-291 (2009).  10.110/epje/i2008-10437-9

- S. J. Rezvani, L. Favre, F. Celegato, I. Berbezier, L. Boarino, N. Pinto, Supersaturation state effect in diffusion induced Ge nanowires growth at high temperatures, J. Cryst. Growth, 436 (2016), 51-55.

- S. J. Rezvani, N. Pinto, E. Enrico, L. D'Ortenzi, A. Chiodoni, L. Boarino, Thermally activated tunneling in porous silicon nanowires with embedded Si quantum dots, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 49 105104 (2016).

- S.J. Rezvani, R. Gunnella, D. Neilson, L. Boarino, L. Croin, G. Aprile, M. Fretto, P. Rizzi, D. Antonioli, and N. Pinto, Effect of carrier tunneling on the structure of Si nanowires fabricated by metal assisted etching, Nanotechnology 27, issue 34 (2016) p. 5301.

- N. Pinto, S.J. Rezvani, L. Favre, I. Berbezier, M. Fretto, and L. Boarino, Geometrically induced electron-electron interaction in semiconductor nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (2016) p.123101.

- N. Pinto, S.J. Rezvani, A. Perali, L. Flammia, M.V. Milošević, M. Fretto, C. Cassiago, N. De Leo, Dimensional crossover and incipient quantum size effects in superconducting niobium nanofilms, Sci. Reports, 8 (2018) n.1 p. 4710;

- N. Pinto, B.A. Mc Naughton, M. Minicucci, M.V. Milosevic and A. Perali, Electronic Transport Mechanisms Correlated to Structural Properties of a Reduced Graphene Oxide Sponge, Nanomaterials, 11, 2503 (2021).

- B. McNaughton, N. Pinto, A. Perali, M. V. Miloševic ́, Causes and Consequences of Ordering and Dynamic Phases of Confined Vortex Rows in Superconducting Nanostripes, Nanomaterials, 12, 4043, (2022).

- M. Sharma, M. Singh 2, R. K. Rakshit, S. P. Singh, M. Fretto, N. De Leo, A. Perali, N. Pinto, Complex Phase-Fluctuation Effects Correlated with Granularity in Superconducting NbN Nanofilms, Nanomaterials, 12, 4109, (2022).

- J.V. van Heijningen, H.J.M. Brake, O. Gerberding, S. Chalathadka Subrahmanya, J. Harms, X. Bian, A. Gatti, M. Zeoli, A. Bertolini, C. Collette, A. Perali, N. Pinto, M. Sharma, F. Tavernier and J. Rezvani, The payload of the Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna, J. Appl. Phys. 133, 244501 (2023);

- Qi He, P. Marsik, F. Le Mardelé, B. Xu, M. Sharma, N. Pinto, A. Perali, C. Di Nicola, C. Pettinari, D. Baeriswyl, and C. Bernhard, Infrared ellipsometry study of the charge dynamics in K3p-terphenyl, Phys. Rev. B 107, 094520 (2023).

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